The word "REALTOR®" is synonymous with buying and selling homes, but when it comes to renting, some people don't realize that a licensed agent can help.
Many renters think their only option is to scour hundreds of Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace ads, but that's not always the case. Lots of great rentals are listed with agents too and sometimes having an expert in real estate can make a world of difference in your rental experience!
This was the case for Dayanna.
"I have rented lots of apartments before," she explained, "but this was my first time using a real estate agent, and it was so much easier."
This time around, Dayanna's rental search was a little different because she was looking for a home that would be suitable not just for herself, but also her mother and grandfather to live in.
"My grandfather sold his place in Sudbury, so we were looking for something with a main floor that my Mom and Grandpa could share, and then a basement apartment for myself."
Dayanna's family is one of many in today's day and age that have chosen to live with multiple generations under one roof.
There are many reasons families choose to live together. Whether it is to help save costs or to take care of family members as they age, there are several benefits to living with your extended family. Of course, there are also some challenges.
"We all have our own schedules and our own things to do. So we want to be able to reconnect when we're home, but at the same time, we need enough space that we don't feel like we're on top of each other all the time," Dayanna expressed.
The family's real estate agent, Kara Speth, helped them find a home that not only met their rental budget but also their unique needs as a three-generation family unit.
"Kara did an awesome job and just made it so easy. All I did was give her the info she needed and she handled everything else for us," she explained. "I've never used a real estate agent for a rental before, but after this, I know the next time I am looking for a place, I will definitely use an agent again."
So the next time you're thinking of renting, remember, you don't have to do it alone!